hot - 500 przepisów (strona:9/34)

Muffinki bananowo - rumowe z cytrusową nutą / Muffins banana and rum with a addition of citrus 138

rubber molds, the mold must smear with oil or butter). Then, we put some candied orange peel on the top. We put muffins into a hot oven (180 degrees) for about 30 minutes

Projekty ze smakiem
Sojonez – wegański majonez 234

wypadami w dzieciństwie na narty. W przerwie między zjazdami schodziłem wraz z ciocią i wujkiem zjeść coś ciepłego oraz napić się gorącej czekolady. Tym czymś ciepłym był pyszny hot-dog z ogórkiem kiszonym, prażoną cebulką, smaczną kiełbaską, a co najważniejsze, z majonezem! Uwielbiałem. W dzieciństwie również często robiłem wraz z siostrą kanapki z majonezem posypane prażoną cebulką… tyle

Brokułowy omlet z zielonym ziarnem pszenicy (frikeh) 151

walnut oil for greasing a pan 2 tbsp maple syrup All the ingredients except the oil mix in a blender until smooth. Let stand for 15 minutes. Grease the hot pan with oil, pour mass and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes on each side. Note: Carefully turn over using a large spatula, preferably silicone. Serve with favourite

Poranek na słodko
Dyniowe placki z czosnkową gruszką i serem blue 139

garlic cloves using a cutting board or wide side of the knife. 2. Wash the pears and cut into slices about 3 mm thick. 3. Crushed garlic put onto hot pan with oil and melted butter and fry about 30 seconds. 4. Place the pear slices next to the garlic and cook for about 2 minutes on both sides

Kuchnia w Słońcu Skąpana
Cynamonowe placuszki z dynią / kabaczkiem. 179

both flours, baking powder and mix. Combine with almond - tonka butter, egg and mix again properly that the dough become smooth. Finally add crushed dark chocolate. On a greased hot pan put the molds and fill them with dough.   Fry on both sides over medium heat about 5 minutes. Serve with your favorite toppings. *** Wszystkie produkty wyróżnione kursywą kupicie

Poranek na słodko
Wegańskie czekolady dla wszystkich - Conscious Chocolate! 117

testować: - Cranberry & Vodka 60% - Nutty One 70% - Raucous Rum & Raisin 65% - Cheeky Cherry Brandy 65% - Wild at Heart 65%  - Intense 75% - Plain Jane 70% - Chilli Hot - Goji & Coconut 70% - Mint Hint 60% - The Dark Side 85% - Lions Raw 60% - Essential Orange 65% Cranberry & Vodka - obok Raucous Rum & Raisin - jedna z najlepszych!  Kwaskowatość

Poranek na słodko
Omlet z czerwonej soczewicy i... yacon. 135

baking powder + wild strawberries (or another fruits) organic yacon syrup cantaloupe All the ingredients mix in a blender until smooth. Batter should be fluffy and thick. Fry in hot and greased pan for about 6 minutes. Flipping should be especially careful, because the omelette is very soft.   Serve immediately after removing from the pan with your favorite toppings. Enjoy

Poranek na słodko
Proteinowy omlet z dynią i Quest Barem. 180

Quest Bar Peanut Butter Supreme All the ingredients (except coconut oil and Quest Bar) mix until smooth. Let stand for 15 minutes. Cut the bar into pieces. Grease the hot pan with oil and pour the batter into it. Lay pieces of Quest Bar on the top.   Fry over low heat about 5 minutes on each side. Note: Carefully

Poranek na słodko
Szybkie bułeczki z ricotty z jabłkiem. 100

place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. The remainder of the apple also lay on the paper. Bake about 15 minutes until golden brown. Serve while hot. Enjoy

Poranek na słodko
Czekoladowy omlet z mascarpone i... masło kokosowe :) 121

tbsp coconut blossom sugar + coconut blossom nectar fruits cottage cheese All the ingredients except coconut butter blend into a smooth paste. Let stand for 15 minutes. Grease the hot pan with coconut butter, pour mass and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes on each side. Note: Carefully turn over using a large spatula, preferably silicone one. Enjoy

Poranek na słodko
Bezglutenowy omlet z ciecierzycy. Hello October! 143

blossom sugar 2 eggs 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar or baking powder All the ingredients mix in a blender until smooth. Batter should be fluffy and thick. Fry in hot and greased pan for about 6 minutes. Flipping should be especially careful, because the omelette is very soft.   Serve immediately after removing from the pan with your favorite toppings

Poranek na słodko
Wegańska owsianka na bazie tofu. 113

pinch of salt 1/3 tsp ground vanilla 2 flat tbsp coconut blossom sugar a handful of raspberries + almond flakes wild strawberries homemade blueberry jam Flakes and chia seeds pour hot milk to their level. Let stand for 10 minutes. Mix with sugar, vanilla and salt. Mix tofu into a smooth paste and combine with oats. Add raspberries and mix with

Poranek na słodko
Placuszki z płatków teff (miłki abisyńskiej). 157

Neatly mix and let stand for 10 minutes. The dough should have the consistency of thick cream. If it is very thick, add some  milk. Fry in a hot, greased pan approx. 3 minutes on each side over low heat. Enjoy! Wszystkie produkty wyróżnione kursywą możecie kupić w oficjalnym sklepie internetowym  jednak można je dostać również w polskich

Poranek na słodko
Wegańska jaglanka na zimno. 121

tbsp ground flaxseed strawberry mousse mixed with a tsp of Bio  Moringa Powder (The Essence of Africa) strawberries and raspberries caramelized cashews homemade jam Pour flakes with hot almond drink 1 cm above their level and mix. Let stand for 10 minutes. Mix yogurt with maple syrup. Add flaxseed and mix again. Cool the flakes and combine with

Poranek na słodko
Jabłko w cieście drożdżowym. 131

with second piece of dough and thoroughly, but gently wrap the fruit cake. Coat in puffed canihua and cinnamon. Bake for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees with enabled hot air. When browned, decorate and serve. Enjoy

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