fast food - 2402 przepisów (strona:132/161)

Quesadilla z indykiem lub wołowiną / Turkey or beef quesadilla 90

perfect for party snack as well for fast lunch or dinner after work! Don’t worry – we will be making burrito, chili con carne also, but not today – now it’s time for cheese. Have fun cooking! SKŁADNIKI (na 12 kawałków): 4 pszenne tortille 1 pierś kurczaka 1 stek wołowy 1 FOOD średnia cebula 1 średnia papryka żółta 1 średnia(...)with quesadilla bottoms up. Put one hand on the plate, hold the pan with the other. Now you have to make a fast move and turn everything upside down so the quesadilla will be on the plate. Now slide the quesadilla back to the pan and fry it on the other side until it gets golden on the other side

Martyna Cooks

party snack as well for fast lunch or dinner after work! Don’t worry – we will be making burrito, chili con carne also, but not today – now it’s time for cheese. Have fun cooking! SKŁADNIKI (na 12 kawałków): 4 pszenne tortille 1 pierś kurczaka 1 stek wołowy 1 FOOD średnia cebula 1 średnia papryka żółta(...)with quesadilla bottoms up. Put one hand on the plate, hold the pan with the other. Now you have to make a fast move and turn everything upside down so the quesadilla will be on the plate. Now slide the quesadilla back to the pan and fry it on the other side until it gets golden on the other side

Martyna Cooks

here wanted to clean up too fast! In addition to the great musical setting, the game also attracts with its dynamics and the possibility to complete levels in several ways. Although the culinary issues were not taken into much consideration here, developers did not forget to include a few pictures of the food (shake, coffee, cake, baked fish, skewers, burgers

Nerds Kitchen

here wanted to clean up too fast! In addition to the great musical setting, the game also attracts with its dynamics and the possibility to complete levels in several ways. Although the culinary issues were not taken into much consideration here, developers did not forget to include a few pictures of the food (shake, coffee, cake, baked fish, skewers, burgers

Nerds Kitchen

spicy food. That’s why I’ve made quesadilla – delicate dish with cheese in the main role (Spanish „quesa” – cheese). There are only few ingredients that you need – vegetables, cheese and tortillas and half an hour. This makes the dish perfect for party snack as well for fast lunch or dinner after work

Martyna Cooks

spicy food. That’s why I’ve made quesadilla – delicate dish with cheese in the main role (Spanish „quesa” – cheese). There are only few ingredients that you need – vegetables, cheese and tortillas and half an hour. This makes the dish perfect for party snack as well for fast lunch or dinner after work

Martyna Cooks
Black is the new green in this black olive appetizer 266

this popular delicacy in my kitchen. Why? For several reasons: 1) Almost every person I know likes olives. 2) They are cheap. 3) Don’t go bad fast and stored in a can or jar, always taste just as good. 4) They do not need a long time to process or cook. 5) They are the perfect accompaniment(...)local olives. When a neighbor or a friend unexpectedly shows up, I often use them to make tapenade. Sometimes, when I don’t feel like dealing with a dirty food processor or blender I prepare something different. Black olive appetizer Shopping List (serves 4) : 1 can pitted, black olives (possibly large) 1 bunch fresh mint 1/2 cup grape tomatoes

Food Polka
Hummus 81

sesame on hot, dry pan, it can’t be too hot, you can burn the seeds. Fry it on medium fire, constantly mixing. Watch it carefully – it burns very fast when it gets hot. It isn’t hard to burn it When it gets gold put in on big flat plate for faster chilling. When sesame is cooler(...)blend it with a spoon of oil, until it is a smooth paste. It won’t take long and the final effect is tasty! Now everything goes into a food processor – chickpeas, peeled garlic, tahini paste, lemon juice (watch out for pips), olive oil and salt, (dried tomatoes), add a bit of water. Mince it as long as it takes

Martyna Cooks

sesame on hot, dry pan, it can’t be too hot, you can burn the seeds. Fry it on medium fire, constantly mixing. Watch it carefully – it burns very fast when it gets hot. It isn’t hard to burn it When it gets gold put in on big flat plate for faster chilling. When sesame is cooler(...)blend it with a spoon of oil, until it is a smooth paste. It won’t take long and the final effect is tasty! Now everything goes into a food processor – chickpeas, peeled garlic, tahini paste, lemon juice (watch out for pips), olive oil and salt, (dried tomatoes), add a bit of water. Mince it as long as it takes

Martyna Cooks

sesame on hot, dry pan, it can’t be too hot, you can burn the seeds. Fry it on medium fire, constantly mixing. Watch it carefully – it burns very fast when it gets hot. It isn’t hard to burn it When it gets gold put in on big flat plate for faster chilling. When sesame is cooler(...)blend it with a spoon of oil, until it is a smooth paste. It won’t take long and the final effect is tasty! Now everything goes into a food processor – chickpeas, peeled garlic, tahini paste, lemon juice (watch out for pips), olive oil and salt, (dried tomatoes), add a bit of water. Mince it as long as it takes

Martyna Cooks

sesame on hot, dry pan, it can’t be too hot, you can burn the seeds. Fry it on medium fire, constantly mixing. Watch it carefully – it burns very fast when it gets hot. It isn’t hard to burn it When it gets gold put in on big flat plate for faster chilling. When sesame is cooler(...)blend it with a spoon of oil, until it is a smooth paste. It won’t take long and the final effect is tasty! Now everything goes into a food processor – chickpeas, peeled garlic, tahini paste, lemon juice (watch out for pips), olive oil and salt, (dried tomatoes), add a bit of water. Mince it as long as it takes

Martyna Cooks
Balance... 168

Balance... Today I needed was a balance... :) Do you have these days, that everything at your office must be perfect, everything in place, well

Lajtkraft food intolerance
Akademia CookUp - Potrawy mączne i makarony 209

mogliśmy zabrać się do dalszej pracy! Przyszedł czas na szybkie drożdżowe - przygotowaliśmy pyszne, chrupiące pity! Z pewnością do tego przepisu lada moment wrócimy i zrobimy z niego domowego fast fooda! Kiedy ciasto na pity wyrastało, a potem pięknie rumieniło się i rosło w piekarniku my mogliśmy zabrać się za przygotowanie pierogów z soczewicą i wędzonym boczkiem. Rozdzieliliśmy farsz między całą(...)żółtkiem i masłem szałwiowym. Kto nigdy takiego raviolo nie jadł niech koniecznie nadrobi zaległości, bo to niesamowite danie - ciepła ricotta, lejące się żółtko i ziołowe masło - niebo! Idealny comfort food!  My robiliśmy je w innej formie niż ja je znałam, ale właśnie dzięki zajęciom poznałam nowe sposoby na podanie tego dania! Człowiek uczy się całe życie! Dzięki CookUp! :) Kiedy

Plate of Joy
Pan rústico wg Hairy Bikers' Bakeation 207

przeliczyliśmy je na drożdże świeże. I tutaj pierwsza rzecz zastanawiająca - do zaczynu na 125 g mąki i 150 g wody wg przepisu użyto 26 g świeżych drożdży (trzy łyżeczki fast-action dried yeast). To jest niewiarygodnie dużo. Ale skoro taki był przepis - tak zrobiłem. Po wymieszaniu składników na zaczyn, odstawiłem go na 24 godziny w temperaturze pokojowej. To z kolei(...)wyjmij go z naczynia żaroodpornego i odstaw na kratce do całkowitego ostygniecia. Chleb z profilu. Chleb i kromki. Kromki. Miękisz z dziurami z bliska. Stado kromek. inspirował portal BBC Food Recipes . Pan rústico upieczono na blogach: Akacjowy blog Bajkorada Eksplozja smaku Fabryka kulinarnych inspiracji Grahamka, weka i kajzerka Jagodziana Coffee Każdy ma jakiegoś bzika Konwalie w kuchni Kuchnia Alicji Kuchnia

Grahamka, weka i kajzerka

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