corn - 117 przepisów (strona:5/8)

Ser w cieście, Tylko Marta 198

kuchni z Catherine Zetą-Jones i Aaronem Eckhartem (2007, Scott Hicks). Cheese fried in batter, Mostly Martha In the photo: mashed potatoes, sauerkraut salad and cheese fried in batter (corn flour, favourite milk, a bit of oil, a pinch of baking powder, salt, pepper, rosemary, fresh chopped basil, optionally 1 egg). Martha Klein is a perfect chef

Qlinarnie i Qlinarnie
Pieczone kotlety wegetariańskie, Pulp fiction 244

glass cooked millet 0.5 glass roasted sunflower seeds 0.5 glass roasted sesame seeds 1 red or white onion 0.5 glass breadcrumbs 0.25 glass oil 3 tbs flour (I used corn flour, any other is fine) 2 tbs soy sauce 2 tbs chopped parsley leaves 1 ts ginger powder (or a small piece of fresh ginger, grated) 0.25 ts chili

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Polska zimowa klasyka obiadowa III, Smażone zielone pomidory 223

Naprawdę warto obejrzeć –  Smażone zielone pomidory  (1991, Jon Avnet). Classic Polish winter dinner, Fried green tomatoes  Today there were: white bean cutlets (beans, salt, pepper and corn flour), buckwheat and millet (cooked in one saucepan), Polish style gherkins. Tasty and i n less than 30 minutes. Evelyn visits her relative in an old people’s home

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Jarskie risotto i Weekend za pół ceny 192

with boiling water and boil until soft. Fry finely chopped onion, garlic and mushrooms in the frying pan. After a short while add pepper strips and drained corn. Simmer over low heat until soft (a few/between ten and twenty minutes). 2 servings. Bon appetite

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Pasztet sojowy (niepieczony) i Dochodzenie 178

really well with a tiny bit of mayonnaise and a piece of vegetable. Enjoy! Ingredients: ½ glass soybeans 2 tbs tomato concentrate ½ cup water 2 tbs olive oil 1 tbs corn starch 1 cup buckwheat salt, pepper wine vinegar or lemon juice Soak soybeans overnight. Cook the next day. Also cook buckwheat. Thoroughly mix all ingredients. Season to taste with salt

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Biały pudding w czarnym sosie i Węgry (2) 151

white rice + 1/3 cup tapioka pearls + 2 cups water optionally: sweetening agent Sauce ingredients: 1 glass blackberries or more a few tbs water a few ts sweet syrup ½ ts corn starch   Boil rice and tapioka. Blend/mix thoroughly. Sweeten if you like. Place mass in small cups, etc. and keep in the fridge for a few hours. Remember to rinse

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Smażone pomidory, kino 6D 185

yourselves! The recipe source: a vegetarian cookbook. The dish comes from the USA (southern states). Ingredients: 2-3 quite hard red tomatoes 2 tbs wheat flour 2 tbs corn flour salt, pepper, sugar to taste oil for frying Slice the tomatoes. Mix all the remaining ingredients and coat the tomato slices in the mixture. Heat oil properly (it’s essential

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Paprykarz warzywny Sante 196

spread) Ingredients: cooked rice, water, textured soy protein, vegetable oil, vegetables (onion, carrot, parsley, bell pepper), tomato concentrate, grits, rice flour, soy protein, sea salt, hydrolyzed vegetable protein (soy, corn), spice and essential oil extracts, yeast extract, flavour (celeriac). Company: Sante. Price: ca. PLN4. Nett weight: 120g. Very tasty. Irreplaceable when there’s no time for preparing

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Kotleciki ryżowo-ziemniaczane w sezamie, Święto kina! 217

ladybug ). In the photo above with a ginger sauce (grated carrot, parsley, celeriac simmer with water until soft, add grated ginger, soy sauce and thicken with a bit of corn flour). Ingredients: ½ cup white rice 4-5 potatoes, cut into slices 2 onions (white or red), finely chopped 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped salt, pepper bunch of parsley, chopped

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Kotlety jaglane i buraczana surówka, Liszt 202

magazine). Cutlet Ingredients: ½ glass millet 1 onion 2-3 cloves of garlic oil herbs: parsley leaves, basil, chives (or other favourite) 1 handful roasted sunflower seeds 1 ts corn flour 1handful roasted sunflower seeds salt, pepper Raw beetroot salad ingredients: 1 small beetroot ½ small onion ½ big apple or a small one 1-2 gherkins sauce: 2-3 tbs olive

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Tofu stir-fry z warzywami, House of cards 182

with veggies You can make this dish quickly after coming home from work (just remember to marinate tofu a day earlier). You can also add onion, green beans, corn, roasted sesame seeds or chives.       Ingredients: 1 package tofu a few tbs soy sauce oil for frying 1 50-200g rice/soy pasta or regular vermicelli 3 cloves

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Pulpety w sosie pomidorowym 295

świetny smak. Można kupować z czystym sumieniem. Vegetarian meatballs in tomato sauce Ingredients: water, chopped tomatoes 13%, onion, wheat protein, fresh pepper, tomato concentrate 3%, rapeseed oil, wheat flour, corn flour, semolina (contains gluten), seasonings, natural yeast aromas, salt, fresh ginger, sugar. Primavika. Price: ca.PLN7. Nett weight: 430g. Product contains gluten, traces of mustard and celeriac plus sugar. It does

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Pasztet z cukinii, Dziewczyna z lilią 246

glass oil 1 tbs thymes or marjoram, savory 2 tbs soy sauce ¼ ts nutmeg pepper salt or universal dish seasoning without MSG * I used 1 glass breadcrumbs + 1 glass corn groats - for the colour. Grate zucchini. Set aside for ca. half an hour and then squeeze out the juice thoroughly. Grate carrot and cheese. Finely chop onion and garlic

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Gulasz warzywny z pieczonym czosnkiem, Proś odważnie 189

olive oil 4-5 potatoes 1-2 carrots 2 handfuls green or yellow beans 3-4 allspice grains 2-3 bay leaves lovage 2 ts corn starch salt, pepper Preheat oven to 180°C. Peel the potatoes and dice them. Wash the beans and carrots and cut them into small pieces. Place the garlic in a greased dish

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