Warzywny wywar w 10 minut...

Warzywny wywar w 10 minut...

Warzywny wywar w 10 minut...

" A good vegetable stock, build around the deep savoury notes of bay and celery and the delicate sweetness of onion and carrot, is invaluable for giving body to many soups. You'll also find it indispensable for stews, risottos, gratins and curries. I always try to keep some of this in the freezer - though it can be rustled up in no time if you have the ingrediets on hand.  " 'River Cottage Veg Everyday'  Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall Normalnie w kwestii wywarów niestety oszukuję. Nie ma szans, że za... czytaj dalej...

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