Meyer Lemon Tofu Cheesecake “On the fly” 🍋

Meyer Lemon Tofu Cheesecake “On the fly” 🍋

Meyer Lemon Tofu Cheesecake “On the fly” 🍋

How did this tofu cheesecake come to be? Over the winter holidays, my mom visited from Poland, and we baked traditional Polish gingerbread for Christmas. It turned out a bit dry, and I wasn’t thrilled about eating it on its own. I ended up freezing the leftovers, thinking they’d make an amazing crust for a pie or cheesecake someday. Fast forward to my friend’s birthday this week—I wanted to bake something special. I remembered that crust sitting in my freezer, plus I had a big box of tofu and about ten pou... czytaj dalej...

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